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Seek and Savor- A podcast by Tara Dickson

Dec 14, 2021

The last in our benediction series is a good one! This benediction will empower you to fight the good fight when you know who you are in Christ. 

Nov 30, 2021

The second podcast in our "Benediction Series," focuses on how to not let the anxiety and stress of this world drain our hearts of joy and peace. 

Nov 12, 2021

Words have the power to change the way we think and feel. But God's word has the power to actually produce something. Today's episode is the first in a series of 3 episodes where we learn the power of God's word as a benediction.

Sep 17, 2021

The question isn't whether we will be formed into something, but what we will be formed into. In order, for clay to be useful it has to be molded, shaped and formed into something. Don't miss this encouraging word about how God is faithful while we're on the potter's wheel.

Sep 10, 2021

Whether you are a parent wanting to equip your kids to hear God's voice or a single person wanting to learn how to listen better; today's episode will encourage your hearts that God has a plan. He always has a plan.