Sep 23, 2018
In this episode, Tara shares some truths from God's word about the importance of where we fix our gaze and why. But even more important, the promise of how the Father holds us with His gaze.
Sep 17, 2018
Names are important. They mean something. Tara shares how vitally important it is to know what name we are backed by. Knowing who you are and whose you are helps to walk confidently no matter what life throws your way.
Sep 10, 2018
Rest. We all need it and studies show we aren't getting enough of it. Did you know your soul needs rest too? What would happen if we began to look at the desert seasons we find ourselves in as opportunities to rest?
Allison Allen, speaker and author, gives us a taste of her new book, "Thirsty for More," as she shares a...
Sep 3, 2018
We are a month in to the return of fall schedules, your plate is way too full, you got some bad news, the thing you are waiting on still hasn't happened.... Take Heart!
If you are feeling overwhelmed and undone ,in any way, this podcast is for you.