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Seek and Savor- A podcast by Tara Dickson

Sep 25, 2023

Have you been longing to know Jesus in a way you've never known Him before? Do you see people around you growing in Him or growing cold? Are you convicted that God has more for you? You don't want to miss this episode drawing you to HIs side and giving you practical ways to know Him even more.

Aug 25, 2023

If you have ever struggled with selfishness, perfectionism, anxiety you name it there is FREEDOM from understanding why God called us to be cruicified with Christ. Press play and be encouraged. 

Aug 8, 2023

If trusting God has every been a challenge for you don't miss this episode. It's so easy to run ahead of God or lag behind in fear. What does it look like to cultivate the soil of your heart to trust Him more and more? 

If this hits home be sure to share it with a friend.

May 17, 2023

We often think of courage being reserved for those times in our lives that are especially challenging. But, like we learned on the last episode we are living on a battlefield. And the courage we desperately need can be lacking. If this episode encourages you share it with a friend.

May 9, 2023

The lines are being drawn beloved. The stakes are high and it's time for us to show up for the fight. We need to remember the true enemy we are fighting, and engage.

Don't miss this powerful episode.