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Seek and Savor- A podcast by Tara Dickson

Apr 21, 2021

Are you ready to see the resurrection power at work in your life? Do you long to see things with kingdom perspective? May your hearts be equipped and encouraged today.

Apr 13, 2021

How is it possible to have confidence in the face of overwhelming opposition? How can we move forward when fear of the future and the unknowns cling to our hearts? Don't miss today's nugget of truth beloved. 

Apr 6, 2021

If we really do have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living in us, then why are do we find ourselves so overwhelmed and undone? Today is the perfect day to find out why and move forward dear ones. 

Apr 2, 2021

I've felt a trembling in my soul all week, and the more I pressed into Jesus the more he made me long for more. Don't let one more easter come and go. Let today be the day that the power of the blood seeps into your very being. Let it change everything.